Friday, October 14, 2016

Jaffalogue Shows Good Taste

Just spotted a review of "Street of the Dead House" on Jaffalogue's site.

This clever tale re-imagines the Rue Morgue [“Street of the Dead House” in sign language] from the POV of the orangutan. And while in Poe’s original, the ape is a brute. Here, the intelligent creature has been trained like Koko and yet plays dumb...

Some interesting thinking here about my tale.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

I move to Great Jones Street

There is a new app that wants to be your "Spotify for stories."  Lots of great stories for your Kindle or Android.  Among them are two of mine: "The Present" and "Crow's Feat."  Free, at least for now.  Try it out at Great Jones Street.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

The best comes home.

Got my copy yesterday.  My "Street of the Dead House" shares pages with Stephen King, Elmore Leonard, Kathryn Kristine Rusch, Art Taylor, Evan Lewis and a lot of other cool folks.  First time I have ever been reprinted in a  mystery collection of any kind in English.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Publishers Weekly shows "Street" Smarts

"Short story fans will find much to enjoy in series editor Otto Penzler’s highly readable 20th annual best-of anthology."  So begins Publishers Weekly's review of Best American Mystery Stories 2016.  And just like Kirkus yesterday, they pick my "Street of the Dead House" as one of the highlights.  

Thank you, Edgar Allan Poe, Nancy Kilpatrick, Caro Sole, Elizabeth George, Otto Penzler, and NPR's quiz show Says You, which is where I got the idea.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Kirkus likes my orang-outang

The first notice I have seen of Best American Mystery Stories 2016 is in Kirkus Reviews.  They like it: "There isn’t enough Xanax in anyone’s medicine cabinet to calm the jitters these 20 skillful stories will unleash on a worried world."

And in commenting on their favorites in the book the anonymous reviewer says: "Robert Lopresti’s 'Street of the Dead House' shows that even for the supposedly lower species, the ultimate escape isn’t from imprisonment but from the mystery of one’s own mind."  Yeah, what he/she said.