Monday, February 24, 2025

That One Friend

 And we are starting the year off right.  "That One Friend" is in #182 of Black Cat Weekly, thanks to editor Barb Goffman.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

The Nurse Log

 In preparing my review of the year I discovered that I hadn't given this story its own mention.  "The Nurse Log" appeared in Agatha and Derringer Get Cozy. My fifth anthologized tale of 2024.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Award Bait

I had a walloping eighteen stories published this year.  If anyone is thinking about nominating stories for, say, the Agatha or Anthony Awards, here are my candidates...

"Welcome to JFR!" Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine. Nov/Dec.

"Professor Pie Is Going To Die." Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine. May/June. An essay about the story at Trace Evidence.

"The Gate of Hades." Mystery Magazine. June.

"Christmas Dinner." Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine. Nov/Dec. An essay about the story at SleuthSayers.

"Slow News Day."  Mystery Magazine. February. An essay about the story at SleuthSayers. And another essay about the true events that inspired the story.

"The Book Deal." Lost & Loaded: The Story of a Gun.

"Shanks' Role Model." Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine. March/April. An essay at Trace Evidence about the story.

"The Nurse Log." Anthony and Derringer Get Cozy. An essay about the story at SleuthSayers.

"Underpass." Black Cat Weekly. #130. An essay about the story at The First Two Pages.

"Shanks in Retreat." Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine. Jan/Feb. An essay about the story at SleuthSayers.

"Shanks' Sunbeam." Murder Neat: A SleuthSayers Anthology. An essay about the story at SleuthSayers.

"Shanks' Last Words." Black Cat Weekly. #161.

"Late Bus." Black Cat Weekly. #125.

"No Escape." Mystery Most International.

"Shanks Gets Lost." Black Cat Weekly. #167.

"Shanks Has Reservations." Black Cat Weekly. #166.

And just to be complete, two more I don't offer for any nominations:

"When the Aliens Left." Black Cat Weekly. #124. (Because it's science fiction, not mystery.)

"The Trouble with Saving the World." Crimes Against Nature: New Stories of Environmental Villainy. (Because I edited the book.)