Monday, December 21, 2020

Worse Than Death in Mystery Scene

 Ben Boulden writes the "Short and Sweet" column for Mystery Scene, reviewing his favorite short stories.  In issue 166 he reviews issue 6 of Black Cat Mystery Magazine.  He ends with these fine words of wisdom.

My favorite story in this issue is Robert Lopresti's brilliant 'Worse Than Death,' about the kidnapping of a brutal dictator's son.  It is surprising and original from beginning to end, but that final twist is absolutely perfect.  

Thanks, Mr. Boulden.

The Charity Case on SleuthSayers

 Here I am at SleuthSayers writing about "The Charity Case." 

The Charity Case

Shame on me for falling behind here.  Issue 7 of Black Cat Mystery Magazine has been out for several months.  It is all private eye and the first story is "The Charity Case," featuring my Atlantic City P.I. Marty Crow.